
Performance auditing is an independent and objective examination of companies. Performance audits do not examine financial accounts of an organization.  Instead with them we seek to express an opinion on whether an organization undertakes its functions economically, efficiently or effectively. With audits we aim to add value and improve the performance of an organization.

“Dialogus” JSC has cooperation agreements with audit firms and is able to provide high quality and independent assessment of a company. Our performance audit team develops the objectives, criteria, and plans fieldwork of an audit  as well as collects information relevant to each audit criterion. This generally involves interviewing people within the organization, undertaking surveys, and reviewing documents and data. At the end of the fieldwork we meet with management team of the organization, in order to discuss the findings made throughout this audit. Following this, we will prepare a draft report on performance audit which we will also discuss with the management to check whether the facts presented in the report are accurate and that all the recommendations are practical and appropriate.

Use the auditing process to improve the efficiency of your performance and reduce risk!